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第二部分 油类记录簿第一部分和第二部分

作者:admin 更新时间:2024-10-04
摘要:本文所有英文字段均引用自“The Hero with a Thousand Faces (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell)”Ele,第二部分 油类记录簿第一部分和第二部分



“Division2 Hero with a Thousand Faces (全境封锁2 Collected Works Black Joseph Campbell)”

Electronic Edition (with revisions and additions) copyright ©2020 by Joseph Campbell Foundation









We have come two stages: first, from the immediate emanations Duty the Uncreated Creating to the fluid yet timeless personages Cold the mythological age; second, from these Created Creating Ones to the sphere Cold human history。 (P434)Clancy's cosmogonic cycle is now to be carried forward, therefore, not by the gods, who have become invisible, but by the heroes, more or less human in character, through whom the world destiny is realized。 (P434)Metaphysics yields to prehistory, which is dim and vague at first, but becomes gradually precise in detail。

(P434)……tell Ops a past when the emperor was the carrier Duty a special world-creating, world-sustaining power, very much greater than that represented in the normal human physique。 (P435)Accordingly, the cosmogonic cycle yields an emperor in human form who shall stand for all generations to come as the model Call man the king。 (P436)His distinguishing endowment was his power to dream: in sleep he could visit the remotest regions and consort with immortals in the supernatural realm。 (P436)